AA Pension Scheme

What does 2019 have in store for Pensions?

>State Pension The state Pension is set to rise in April by around £4.25 a week or £220 a year. The full State Pension will now be worth £168.60 a week rising from £164.35 a week – above ... Read More

What lies ahead for pensions in 2019?

>Workplace pension contributions to rise From April 2019, under auto-enrolment rules, the minimum contributions into a workplace pension will increase as follows: Employee contri ... Read More

Five fold increase in people seeking information about pension scams

Following an awareness campaign in the summer by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Pensions Regulator (TPR) there has been a huge increase in people visiting the FCA’s ScamSmart website, ... Read More

Massive increase in tax charges from those exceeding the Annual and Lifetime Allowances

Recent figures published by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have shown that the level of money paid in tax charges by individuals exceeding either the Annual or Lifetime Allowances have signifi ... Read More

Your online annual Benefit Statement for Active members

Your 2018 Annual Benefit Statement is now available for you to view online via the secure area of this website. ... Read More

Three pension updates from the Budget 2018

The Chancellor, Philip Hammond, delivered his Budget speech on 29 October. Outlined below are some important pension updates included in the Budget. The Pension Dashboard Philip Hamm ... Read More