AA Pension Scheme

AA CARE Pension Scheme

Retirement may seem a long way off. Although, you are no longer a contributing member of the CARE section of the AA Pension Scheme (‘the Scheme’), planning how to provide for the future, for you and your family still involves important decisions for you to make.

These pages describe the benefits offered to members who previously contributed to the CARE section of the Scheme employed in the UK.

Your benefits from the CARE section of the AA Pension Scheme (‘the Scheme’) are a valuable part of your employment rewards package and represent a real commitment by the AA to help you shape your financial future.

It offers important benefits for you and your family, including an income in retirement based on your earnings whilst you were an Active member of the Scheme.

This is a summary of what CARE has to offer. It outlines the main benefits and explains how it works. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy; however, it is not a legal document. Full details are set out in the Trust Deed and Rules, the legal document that will always overrule this document should any inconsistency or question of interpretation arise. A copy can be obtained from the AA Pensions team.

Some information referred to may be subject to change (i.e., taxation limits etc.). To see the most up to date information you should also refer to the ‘Current rates’ page. If there are any terms used in this booklet that you do not understand, please refer to the Glossary section where a brief definition of the key terms regularly used can be found.

When you were an active member of CARE, you built up a basic amount of retirement income each year based on your pensionable pay in that year. This was then revalued each year until you retired. The total amount of accumulated annual income built up over the years in CARE is then paid to you on a regular monthly basis for the remainder of your lifetime.

This section provides benefits for you and your dependents both before and after your retirement. The benefits you built up prior to 1 April 2020 whilst you were a contributing member of this section of the Scheme are covered in more detail.

Membership of the Scheme will not affect your entitlement to the Basic State Pension, which is payable from your State Pension Age.

The Trustee is responsible for running this section of the Scheme in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules. The names of the Trustee Directors are available in the latest Report and Accounts.

Aon deals with the day-to-day administration of all sections of the Scheme.


The CARE section closed to new entrants with effect from 1 October 2016. No new members were admitted except for contributing members of other sections of the AA Pension Scheme on 30 June 2017, moved to CARE section on 1 July 2017 unless they opted to leave the Scheme. The CARE section closed to future accrual on the 31 March 2020. This information is therefore only relevant to those who have already joined the CARE section.


Since 31 March 2020 members have not been required to make any contributions to this section of the Scheme. The Company is required to meet the cost of any benefits provided from this section of the Scheme (in excess of the contributions members and the Company previously paid to the Scheme). Company contributions are determined by the Trustee and the Company after considering advice from the Scheme Actuary and are reviewed regularly.

Transfers in

Some members may have previously transferred benefits into the Scheme and in return were granted an additional period of pensionable employment. However, the Trustee is not currently accepting further transfer payments.

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As a deferred member you will have a deferred pension in the Scheme that will become payable from your Normal Retirement Date - age 65.

Your deferred pension

Your deferred pension is payable from your Normal Retirement Date.

You will receive increases to your deferred pension to help protect it against inflation.

Your pension will increase over the period until your Normal Retirement Date broadly in line with inflation (as measured by the Consumer Price Index) up to a maximum of 5% per year for your pension built up prior to 6 April 2009 and up to a maximum of 2.5% per year for your pension built up after this date.

Precise details of your deferred pension entitlement will have been provided to you when you left this section of the Scheme.

Payment of pensions

Your pension is payable for your lifetime by monthly instalments in advance and will be paid directly into your bank or building society account.

Cash option at retirement

You may, if the Trustee agrees, choose to exchange up to 25% of the ‘value’ of your pension benefits for tax-free cash when you take your pension. This is often referred to as “commutation”.

If you have paid Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs), then you may also take up to 25% of the value of your accumulated AVC fund as a cash lump sum. The rest of your AVC fund could be used to purchase an annuity from an insurance company or you may be able to take this as a cash lump sum taxed at your marginal rate of income tax. Alternatively, you can choose to transfer your AVC fund to another defined contribution arrangement. The value of your AVCs and the benefits you can secure with them will depend on several factors including the amount of the contributions paid, any charges payable, the age at which you take the benefits, the performance of investments and any cost of converting the benefit into an annuity, if you chose this option.

The Trustee, after considering advice from the Actuary, will decide the amount of pension you will have to give up in exchange for a cash sum when you commence your pension; this will depend on your age. The terms for exchanging pension income for cash may be reviewed and altered by the Trustee from time to time.

Although any cash sum taken will reduce your pension, it will not affect any spouse’s, civil partner’s, or dependant’s pension payable on your death.

A transfer payment

You may request to transfer the value of your deferred pension and any AVCs to another registered pension scheme.

The value of your deferred pension (the cash equivalent transfer value (CETV)) is calculated as the amount which needs to be invested in order to provide your future pension. It takes account of the number of years before retirement and financial conditions at the date of payment of the CETV.

You are entitled to request a transfer quotation once a year free of charge which outlines the transfer value, at a specified date. If you do wish to consider transferring, please seek independent financial advice to make sure it is in your best interest to do so. Additional requests for a CETV quotation within the same 12-month period will be chargeable.

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The normal retirement age is 65.

Flexible retirement

If you have reached your Minimum Pension Age (age 55) and are still in Service, you can request agreement from the Company, that the Trustee pay part of your CARE pension entitlement to you while you remain in Service.

To apply for flexible retirement, you must notify the Company no later than two months before your chosen flexible retirement date. If approved, the terms of your flexible retirement must then be agreed in writing between the Company, Trustee, and yourself.

Late retirement

A Member who left pensionable service after 31 March 2007 may choose to start receiving their pension past their Normal Retirement Date of 65. If the Member’s pension starts after Normal Retirement Date, it will be increased for late payment on a basis determined by the Trustee after considering advice from the Actuary. The Trustee must be reasonably satisfied that the benefits (including death benefits) for a Member who chooses a late pension are at least equal in value to the benefits that would otherwise have been provided for the Member under the Scheme retirement after age 65 is possible. which your retirement income is expected to be paid.

Early retirement from deferred status

As a member with an entitlement to a deferred pension, it is possible to commence payment of your pension before your Normal Retirement Date with consent. Whether it is Trustee or Company consent depends on when you left pensionable service.

The earliest date at which your pension can commence is age 55 (this increases to age 57 from 6th April 2028, in line with current legislation).

Your deferred pension will however be reduced due to the fact that it will be paid for a longer period. The rate of reduction is decided by the Trustee after considering advice from the Actuary.

With the agreement of the Trustee, and in certain cases the Company, after considering medical evidence, your pension (as described above) may be paid to you before age 55 if you retire on the grounds of ill-health (incapacity – detailed later).

Cash lump sum

When you retire you may choose to exchange some of your accumulated retirement income for a cash lump sum, including if you retire due to ill-health. Some or all of this cash lump sum may be paid tax free.

The amount of accumulated retirement income you will have to give up in exchange for a cash lump sum will be decided by the Trustee and the Company based on figures provided by the Scheme Actuary and may be altered from time to time.

Retirement income payments

Your retirement income will be paid monthly. Income tax will be deducted using the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, where appropriate and payments will be paid by direct credit into your bank or building society account. Payslips will be available to view online in the secure pensioners area of the Scheme website.

Pension increases

Once in payment your CARE pension will be reviewed annually, and you may be entitled to receive an increase as follows:

  • Retirement income earned up to 30 June 2010
    Will receive annual increases in line with price inflation* up to a maximum of 5%.
  • Retirement income earned from 1 July 2010
    Will increase in line with price inflation up to a maximum of 2.5% each year.

* With effect from 1 April 2018 the measure for price inflation is the Consumer Prices Index (‘CPI’) rather than the Retail Prices Index (‘RPI’) which was the measure applicable until 31 March 2018.

For pension increases relating to benefits accrued in this Scheme prior to becoming a CARE Scheme member, please refer to the relevant Explanatory Booklet for the Scheme to which you were previously a member.

If you die after retirement

If you die after taking your pension, the following benefits will be paid:

Pension Guarantee

Your pension is guaranteed for five years, so if you die within five years of commencement of your pension, the remainder of the five years’ pension payments is paid (disregarding any future pension increases). The Trustee has discretion as to whom the payment is made;

Spouse’s or dependant’s pension

Your spouse, civil partner or (if they meet the conditions in the Rules and the Trustee agrees) dependant will receive a pension equal to half the pension payable to you at the date of your death but as if you did not exchange any of your pension for a cash sum; and

A child’s pension

A pension is paid to each of your children. Each pension is equal to one quarter of the spouse’s, civil partner’s or dependant’s pension up to a maximum of four children. For a member who left pensionable service after 28 February 2015, if you have more than four children, a pension equal to the pension payable to your spouse, civil partner or dependant will be shared between those children in such proportions as the Trustee decides. If at any time there is no pension paid to a spouse, civil partner or dependant, the pension payable to any child will be doubled.

Pensions will be paid to children up to the age of 18 and may be paid at the Trustee’s discretion to children up to the age of 23 if they are still in full time education. The Trustee may continue to pay a child’s pension after age 23 if the child is disabled.

Family benefits

If you die in deferment before Normal Retirement Date

If you die before your pension has come into payment and before Normal Retirement Date, the following benefits will be paid:

  • Cash sum

    A cash sum equal to the contributions you paid to the Scheme (with interest determined by the Trustee after consulting the Actuary). A return of the value of any AVC’s you may have paid. The Trustee has discretion as to whom payment is made;

  • Spouse, civil partner or dependant’s pension

    Your spouse, civil partner or (if they meet the conditions in the Rules and the Trustee agrees) dependant will receive a lifetime pension, calculated as half the pension you would have received if you had retired on the day you died. If your spouse, civil partner or dependant is more than ten years younger than you, the pension may be reduced to take account of their longer life expectancy; and

  • Child’s pensions

    A pension is paid to each of your children (up to a maximum of four). Each pension is equal to one quarter of the spouse’s, civil partner’s or dependant’s pension. If there are fewer than four children, the Trustee may increase the rate of pension payable. Pensions will be paid to children up to the age of 18 or children up to the age of 23 if they are still in full time education. The Trustee may decide to stop any pension at the age of 21. In addition, the Trustee may pay a pension to a child who was disabled at the date of a member’s death and such pension may continue for so long as the Trustee is satisfied that the member is suffering from a disability and cannot support himself or herself.

Where there is no surviving spouse, civil partner or dependant, the Trustee will double the pension payable to the child.

If you die in deferment after Normal Retirement Date

If you die before your pension has come into payment and after Normal Retirement Date, the following benefits will be paid:

  • Cash sum

    A cash sum equal to the maximum lump sum you could have taken if you had retired the day before you died plus an amount equal to five years of pension payments (disregarding any future pension increases) as well as a return of the value of any AVC’s you may have paid. The Trustee has discretion as to whom payment is made;

  • Spouse, civil partner or dependant’s pension

    Your spouse, civil partner or (if they meet the conditions in the Rules and the Trustee agrees) dependant will receive a lifetime pension, calculated as half the pension you would have received if you had retired on the day you died. If your spouse, civil partner or dependant is more than ten years younger than you, the pension may be reduced to take account of their longer life expectancy; and

  • Child’s pensions

    A pension is paid to each of your children (up to a maximum of four). Each pension is equal to one quarter of the spouse’s, civil partner’s or dependant’s pension. If there are fewer than four children, the Trustee may increase the rate of pension payable. Pensions will be paid to children up to the age of 18 or and may be paid at the Trustee’s discretion to children up to the age of 23 if they are still in full time education. The Trustee may decide to stop any pension at the age of 21. In addition, the Trustee may pay a pension to a child who was disabled at the date of a member’s death and such pension may continue for so long as the Trustee is satisfied that the member is suffering from a disability and cannot support himself or herself.

Where there is no surviving spouse, civil partner or dependant, the Trustee will double the pension payable to the child.

If you die after retirement

If you die after taking your pension, the following benefits will be paid:

  • Pension guarantee

    Your pension, excluding any early retirement on redundancy supplement, is guaranteed for five years, so if you die within five years of commencement of your pension, the remainder of the five years’ pension payments is paid (disregarding any future pension increases). The Trustee has discretion as to whom the payment is made;

  • Spouse, civil partner or dependant’s pension

    Your spouse, civil partner or (if they meet the conditions in the Rules and the Trustee agrees) dependant will receive a pension equal to half the pension payable to you (excluding any early retirement on redundancy supplement) but as if you did not exchange any of your pension for a cash sum or level pension option; and

  • Children’s pensions

    A pension is paid to each of your children (up to a maximum of four). Each pension is equal to one quarter of the spouse’s, civil partner’s or dependant’s pension. If there are fewer than four children, the Trustee may increase the rate of pension payable. Pensions will be paid to children up to the age of 18 or to children up to the age of 23 if they are still in full time education. The Trustee may decide to stop any pension at the age of 21. In addition, the Trustee may pay a pension to a child who was disabled at the date of a member’s death and such pension may continue for so long as the Trustee is satisfied that the member is suffering from a disability and cannot support himself or herself.

Where there is no surviving spouse, civil partner or dependant, the Trustee will double the pension payable to the child.

Payment of cash sum death benefits

Where a cash sum is paid in the case of death, the recipients will be at the discretion of the Trustee but they will take into account any nominations on your Expression of Wish Form.

If you have not yet logged in to the Scheme website to complete an online Expression of Wish form, please could we ask you to do this as soon as possible.

If you have previously completed an Expression of Wish form, please take a moment to check that the information on it is up to date. If you need to make changes, you can do this online.

If you have previously completed an Expression of Wish in paper form, the Trustee would still ask that you enter your wishes online.

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Basic State Pension

For members of the Scheme who reached their State Pension Age prior to April 2016, the State Pension scheme was made up of two main parts:

  • The Basic State Pension; and
  • The State Second Pension (S2P), an earnings related benefit (previously the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme, known as SERPS).

Provided you have paid the required National Insurance Contributions (NICs) during your working life, you will receive a Basic State Pension. The pension is a fixed amount set by the Government and is increased each year in line with price increases. It is paid from State Pension age.

Further information on the State Pension can be found at www.gov.uk/state-pension.

You cannot opt-out of the Basic State Pension.

Additional State Pension

The Additional State Pension (previously known as the State Second Pension (S2P)) is an extra amount of money you could get on top of your Basic State Pension if you reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016.

How much you get depends on:

  • Your earnings;
  • Your National Insurance contributions; and
  • Whether you’ve claimed certain benefits.

New State Pension

From April 2016, the Government introduced a new flat rate pension. The new State Pension is a regular flat rate payment from the government that you can get if you reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016.

The actual amount you get depends on your National Insurance Record.

Further information on the new State Pension can be found at www.gov.uk/new-state-pension

Who can I ask about my State benefits?

For queries relating to your State benefits, you can contact The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Freepost DWP Pensions Service 3

Telephone: 0800 731 0175

Website: www.gov.uk/check-state-pension

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HMRC – allowances and tax relief

As mentioned earlier in this booklet, there are a number of valuable tax reliefs available to members of HMRC Registered Pension Schemes. To take advantage of them, schemes must comply with special tax rules. The overview that follows is the Trustee’s understanding of current legislation.

Full details can be found on the HMRC website. It should be remembered that the tax treatment of pension schemes is outside of the AA’s control and is subject to change in the future by the Government.

If you think that you may be affected by HMRC limits then you should seek independent financial advice.

The Lifetime Allowance

Previously a member’s benefits across all the registered pension schemes they are a member of – like the Scheme – were subject to the lifetime allowance (LTA). Benefits in excess of the LTA were subject to an extra tax. This tax charge was removed on 5 April 2023 and any benefits taken after this date are no longer be subject to this extra tax. However, the LTA was replaced with the two new allowances: the lump sum allowance and the lump sum and death benefit allowance.

Lump Sum Allowance (LSA)

The maximum lump sum you can take tax free at retirement is now capped at the lower of 25% of the total value of your pension saving or the lump sum allowance (LSA). The LSA is £268,275. The LSA may be different for individuals who have a form of LTA protection, for example enhanced or fixed protection. Only members who applied for such protection will benefit from it. The LSA applies to a number of types of lump sum and applies across all registered pension schemes you are a member of. You will be asked for details of any lump sums you have taken when you retire so the Trustee can determine how much of your LSA you have left. Any lump sum in excess of your LSA will be taxed at your marginal rate.

Any lump sums payable on your death benefits will be tested against the lump sum and death benefit allowance when you die.

If you have any of the LTA protections noted above or your tax position is more complicated for other reasons, it is a good idea to speak to an independent financial advisor. If you do not have your own adviser, you can find one local to you at www.unbiased.co.uk

The above is necessarily a summary of the tax regime. You can obtain further information about the lump sum and lump sum and death benefit allowance, including available LTA protections from the HMRC website www.gov.uk/tax-on-your-private-pension

It should be remembered that the tax treatment of pension schemes is outside of the Company’s or Trustee’s control and is subject to change in the future by the Government.

Reduction or loss of benefits

Your entitlement to CARE benefits may be withdrawn or reduced if you are party to a fraudulent, negligent, or criminal act which results in financial loss to the Company.

Assigning your CARE benefits

Your benefits are strictly personal and cannot be assigned to any other person or used as security for a loan including a mortgage.

Changing or winding up CARE

In line with legal requirements, the Trust Deed and Rules contain provisions to amend or close CARE in specific circumstances.

Data Protection

The Trustee will hold personal data provided by you (and, where appropriate, by third parties such as the Company) for the purpose of calculating and providing your benefits and your dependants’ benefits under the Scheme.

The Trustee needs to use your personal data:

  1. To fulfil its legal obligations, such as giving you specified information about your benefits in the Scheme as required by pension legislation; and
  2. To meet its legitimate interests to administer the Scheme efficiently and to pay benefits to you and your dependants in accordance with the Rules.

The Trustee may share your personal data with others (within the United Kingdom or in any other country) where it thinks it is necessary or desirable to do so in connection with the administration of the Scheme. In particular the Trustee may make the information available to its professional advisers, to the Company, to the Scheme Administrator and to any other persons who may become responsible for providing benefits. The Trustee has measures in place to protect the security of your personal data and keep it confidential.

You can find out more about how the Trustee will use your data by reading the Trustee’s privacy notice. If you would like a copy of the privacy notice, please request one from the AA Pensions team.

Dealing with complaints

If you have a complaint relating to CARE you should contact AON the Scheme administrator, where you can request a copy of the IDRP form.

This will be reviewed by the full board to ensure it is resolved.

Money Helper

The Money Helper offers unbiased information and advice on a range of topics and has available a range of tools for you to use in your retirement planning.

Website: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en

Pensions Helpline: 0800 011 3797

From overseas: +44 20 7932 5780

The Pensions Ombudsman

If you have a complaint or dispute in relation to an occupational pension scheme, you should contact the Pensions Ombudsman, who can investigate this matter on your behalf free of charge. The Pensions Ombudsman will expect you to have tried to resolve your complaint or dispute through the Scheme’s IDRP first.

You can contact the Pensions Ombudsman by writing to:

The Pensions Ombudsman
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 4PU

Telephone: 0800 917 4487

Website: www.pensions-ombudsman.org.uk

Email: enquiries@pensions-ombudsman.org.uk

The Pensions Regulator (TPR)

TPR is responsible for regulating UK pension arrangements. It has the power to intervene in the running of a pension scheme where trustees, employers or professional advisers have failed in their duties. TPR can be contacted at:

The Pensions Regulator
Napier House
Trafalgar Place
East Sussex

Telephone: 0345 600 0707

Website: www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk

The Pension Tracing Service

The Pension Tracing Service holds details of over 200,000 occupational and personal pension schemes. If you need help to trace pension benefits from previous employment, for example if you leave and lose touch with your employer, you can ask for free help by contacting:

Pension Tracing Service
The Pension Service 9
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1LU

Telephone: 0345 6002 537

Website: www.gov.uk/find-pension-contact-details

CARE section of the AA Pension Scheme

CARE is a section of the AA Pension Scheme. The Scheme is registered and approved by HM Revenue & Customs under the Finance Act 2004. It is run in accordance with its Rules. Nothing contained in this can override the Rules.

CARE’s assets are entirely separate from those of the AA. It is managed by the Trustee in accordance with its Rules and legislative and tax requirements.

Divorce and dissolved civil partnership

Pension rights are often taken into account as part of your assets when the court is arranging a divorce settlement or a dissolution order of a civil partnership.

The Trustee must comply with any order made by the court in divorce or dissolution proceedings. The order may affect your benefits under the section of the Scheme, including any benefits payable on your death.

If you need more details on pensions and divorce, you can request an information pack from the AA Pensions team. Also, please do not forget to complete a new Expression of Wish Form.

Trust status

The Scheme is set up as a trust. The assets of the Scheme are held entirely separately from the Company and may only be used to pay benefits to and in respect of members and the expenses of running the Scheme until the Scheme is wound up. All the benefits from the Scheme are provided out of the funds of the trust.

The trust is administered by a trustee company called AA Pensions Trustees Limited (‘the Trustee’). The Trustee’s role is to ensure that the Scheme is managed according to the Rules, and that its assets are invested prudently in line with the Statement of Investment Principles. Its board is made up of employer appointed and member nominated directors, whose names appear in the Scheme’s annual report, which the Trustee publishes each year, and which reports on progress over the preceding twelve months. Copies are available from the AA Pensions team.

The Rules are the governing documentation of the Scheme and in the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the Rules and this guide or any announcement; it is the Rules that will apply. This is a guide and does not confer any entitlement to benefits.

Statement of investment principles

The Trustee must prepare a statement concerning decisions about investment of the Scheme’s funds, as required by law, and review it from time to time. The Trustee must seek independent advice from a suitably qualified investment adviser and consult with the Company in arriving at this statement. Copies are available from the AA Pensions team.

The Pension Protection Fund

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) compensates members of eligible pension schemes when their employer becomes insolvent, and their scheme does not have sufficient assets to pay benefits to members. The PPF provides compensation to members which is generally at a lower level than the benefits provided by the scheme. Future pension increases are only provided on a limited basis. The benefit payable to a scheme member from the PPF is restricted to a maximum. For more information on the PPF, visit its website at: www.pensionprotectionfund.org.uk

The websites listed below provide information on pensions, financial planning, and State benefits.

www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions — The Department of Work and Pensions provides information and advice on pensions, savings, and State benefits. You can also request a State Pension Forecast here.

www.hmrc.gov.uk — This site contains information about issues including tax, National Insurance, and tax credits.

www.unbiased.co.uk — The official site for personal independent financial advice. You can find general advice and contact details for an adviser in your area.

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This information has been produced by the Trustee. If you have any queries relating to any section or to your benefits you should first contact the AA Pensions team. Their contact details are:

The AA Pensions team
PO Box 196

Telephone: 0345 850 6406

Email: AA.pensions@aon.com

When you call the Helpline the following questions will always be asked:

  • Full Name;
  • Full Address;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Date pension commenced (year/month pensioners only).

You can also contact this team with any queries relating to your pension payslip.

We are here to help you so please do what you can to be prepared before calling. If you cannot pass the data security questions then we will not be able to divulge any information.

You can also contact the AA Pensions Department:

AA Pensions Department
Level 3, Plant, Basing View
RG21 4HG

Email: pensions@theaa.com